Friday, October 8, 2010


Good Morning,Good Afternoon,Good Evening
or whatever the time it is now when YOU read this

Hey there,
This is me
Call me Cody
Yeap,that's right ,it's Cody
I know,there's a bunch of girls with the same name
but ignore them,you are in My World now

Remember..Remember..Remember my name
Although humans tend to forget things easily

This is my first blog
so I'll just make it simple
I will improve gradually
I shall grow with time

A little clue about me:
- I'm :

*turning 18 this year
*a simple and regular boy
*a Snow Prince(in my own fairytale)
*easily distracted by things that happen around me
even if they are not related to me nor important.

I won't charge you anything for reading my blogs
but forgive me if it is boring
In fact,it's not my problem,it's yours

I won't take any more of your precious time
Excuse me please,I shall leave now.
 "I shall be the key to every door but the only door that I want to open is the door to your heart."

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